Effective June 1, 2023, all certification designation applications must be submitted via the IIMC Education Certification portal via this link: https://bit.ly/CMCDesApp.
The Certified Municipal Clerk program is designed to enhance the job performance of the Clerk in small and large municipalities. To earn the CMC designation, a Municipal Clerk must attend extensive education programs. The CMC designation also requires pertinent experience in a municipality. The CMC program prepares the applicants to meet the challenges of the complex role of the Municipal Clerk by providing them with quality education in partnership with institutions of higher learning, as well as State / Provincial / National Associations. The CMC program has been assisting clerks to excel since 1970.
The following are the requirements for obtaining the CMC designation:
1. Be a Full, Additional Full or Retired member of IIMC. If you are currently an Associate Member, you are encouraged to contact the Education Department to discuss your options.
2. IIMC will only be able to certify you after you have been an active member for two years. Members are encouraged to enroll in the certification program and begin submitting for points even if this membership requirement has not been fulfilled.
3. Affirm and practice the IIMC Code of Ethics - This takes place when you complete your applications
4. Follow the CMC Step By Step Guide to begin the application process. This process will outline the two application forms that are required for certification.
5. Attain 60 points in the Education category - Be sure to check out your local Institute program. Institutes are the most efficient way to earn our Education points.
6. Attain 50 points in the Experience category - Don’t forget your Letters of Employment Verification! A letter for your current position is required!
All points shall be earned according to the provisions of the IIMC Education Guidelines.
The IIMC Foundation offers numerous financial opportunities including Institute Scholarships, IIMC Conference Grants and Online Learning Scholarships. The Foundation does not provide assistance with the actual certification fees listed above.