University of houston substitute class petition form

To declare a major or change your major, you must do the following:

1. To ensure you meet the requirements for the new major, check the Undergraduate Studies Catalog or access and print Overview of Colleges and Degrees. If you need more help, meet with a UScholars Academic Advisor.

2. Obtain a General Petition form and a printout of your academic history. The General Petition is available at the Registrar's office in room 128 of the Welcome Center.

3. Meet with an advisor in your new major.

4. Submit a written request to change major using the General Petition form and attach a copy of your academic history printout. Submit the General Petition to the advisor.

NOTE: Exceptions to items 2, 3, & 4: Business and Technology majors are declared online.

Students who want to declare a Business major should go to the Bauer College of Business Web site at and follow the instructions.

Created: Aug 12, 2002 - 6:36am Updated: Sep 10, 2007 - 11:1am Author: Web Technologies Article: 276 Was this article helpful? No Yes

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