Frequently Asked Questions

Listed below are questions frequently asked of our staff by new or current students and their families.

Do you have first-year student residence halls?

Yes, all first-year students live together. Currently, first-year students are assigned to live in Campion Hall, Gonzaga Hall, Regis Hall, Jogues Hall, Loyola Hall, and 70 McCormick Hall.

Are the student residences co-ed or single-sex?

All residence halls are co-ed, either by wing, floor, or suite. Individual townhouse and apartment units are single-sex.

What amenities are provided in the room?

All rooms include a twin XL bed with mattress, desk, desk chair, wardrobe/closet, 3-drawer dresser, and access to campus wi-fi for each resident assigned to that room. Each resident hall room also comes equipped with a micro-fridge and window coverings (i.e. blinds or curtains).

What about laundry facilities?

Each residence hall is equipped with a laundry facility except for Kostka and Claver Halls which share one facility in Kostka Hall. Each resident student is given an allotment of wash/dry cycles per semester (e.g., two wash/dry cycles per week) and utilize their StagCard to activate the machines. Laundry cycles beyond the allotted amount can be paid for with StagBucks.

Each Barnyard Manor townhouse includes one washer and dryer.

What size linens are needed for the beds?

Almost all beds have extra-long mattresses so students should purchase extra-long twin sheets.

Can we bunk the beds in our room?

Yes. On move-in day, there will be a limited number of extra frames available to allow students to bunk or loft their beds. Priority will be given to first-year students living in triple and quad rooms. Some frames require the assistance of maintenance staff. In those cases, students can inform their RA of their request and maintenance staff will come to the students' rooms during the first week or two of the semester.

When will I find out my room assignment?

First-year students receive their room assignment and roommate(s) information at the end of July. There may be a need for the Office of Residence Life to change a particular room assignment and students will be notified individually if this occurs. Students should contact their roommate(s) after receiving this information to introduce themselves and determine who will bring what items, in particular those that will be shared (e.g., television, rug).

What if I don't get along with my roommate?

Communication and consideration are the key elements in a successful roommate relationship, and it may take a couple of weeks to develop a rapport. Resident Assistants are trained to facilitate and are a good resource to help facilitate discussions. Room changes are not permitted during the first three weeks of the semester to allow roommates enough time to establish a working relationship.

What is my mailing address?

The Office of Student Engagement (Orientation and First Year Experience) sends incoming students their mailbox assignment and mailing address in August, along with other information about moving in and the Orientation program in September. Following is the format to address all incoming mail:

Student Name
Box (last four digits of cell phone number)
Fairfield University
1073 North Benson Road
Fairfield, CT 06824

Do I need to be on a meal plan?

Yes, all students living in one of the residence halls must purchase and participate in a meal plan. For students who live in the Townhouses, Barnyard Manor, or Village Apartments the meal plan is optional. Contact Dining Services for more information.

Where do students eat?

The main dining hall, the Tully Dining Commons, is located on the fourth floor of the Barone Campus Center. Additional cash locations (which accept Dining Dollars and StagBucks) include the Stag snack bar, Starbucks, Dunkin' Pete's Coffee, Sam Bazon, the Levee, and a daily rotation of food trucks.

Do people stay on campus during the weekends?

Absolutely! Fairfield is a place where students stay on campus during the weekends. Planning by the Fairfield University Student Association (FUSA), Office of Student Engagement, Office of Residence Life, Recreation Department, Athletics Department, Quick Center for the Arts, other student clubs and organizations, plus access to the local town and New York City and New Haven areas, ensure there are always things to do.

How are the buildings secured?

All outside doors are locked 24 hours a day. Students have access to the residence halls with their StagCard. Students can access any residence hall from 7 a.m. until 11 p.m. After hours, they can access only their own residence hall. Each townhouse unit has an exterior door or doors with swipe card access.

The best safety precautions students can and should take are not to allow unknown individuals to enter buildings, not to prop open doors to buildings, and to lock their rooms or townhouses/apartments whenever they leave them and when they go to sleep at night.

What is the smoking policy in the student residences?

We are a Tobacco Free Campus, 100% indoor and outdoor campus-wide tobacco-free environment. Fairfield University supports this mission and will take steps to foster a healthy environment and promote awareness of health risks associated with tobacco.

What are "quiet hours"?

Quiet hours have been established to help create an environment that is conducive to sleeping and studying. Quiet hours are 8 p.m. to 10 a.m. on weekdays, and midnight to 10 a.m. on weekends. At all other times, residents are expected to be considerate of their neighbors, and noise from the room should not enter the corridor.

What do I do if I lose my key or StagCard?

Residents should report lost keys to a staff member immediately so that a lock change may be completed. The student's account will be charged for the lock change, and all occupants of the room or townhouse/apartment will receive new keys.

If a resident loses their StagCard, they should visit the StagCard office in the lower level of the Barone Campus Center during business hours to replace it.

What appliances can I bring to campus?

Please check the list of what to bring for suggested as well as prohibited items.

Is there storage space available?

Fairfield does not provide or have available storage space for student belongings during holidays, semester breaks, or over the summer. During the academic year, students must store all their belongings in their room, townhouse, or apartment, and all furniture provided by the University must remain in the room, townhouse (except for the basement), or apartment unless removed by maintenance staff. Therefore, students should plan on bringing only what is necessary.

What do I do if some of my personal belongings get damaged?

The University does not assume responsibility for loss of property or damage to personal belongings. All residents are advised to consider personal property insurance and check with their family's homeowner's insurance policy for possible coverage.

How do I report a maintenance problem?

Students are encouraged to submit their own Work Orders by completing this online form. For emergency maintenance needs requiring immediate attention, residents should contact the Office of Residence Life during normal business hours and Public Safety outside of normal business hours.

How do I report a broken laundry facilities machine? (Washer/Dryer, Laundry Room Card Reader)

If prompted, the password is: stags

If you have any questions regarding this service, please contact the Office of Residence Life at (203) 254-4000 ext. 4215.

1073 North Benson Road
Fairfield, Connecticut 06824
(203) 254-4000